
5 Ways to Keep Children Entertained on a Cruise

When you are someone who is invested in having some fun on your cruise, you may be wondering what you can do with your kids! While teenagers can typically be relied upon to entertain themselves, you will find that small children need some extra attention. What can you do to make sure that you and your kids have a fantastic time while you are on your cruise?

Choose a Family Cruise

Family cruises are designed so that there are child care options on board as well as family activities that are planned throughout the day. Most major cruise lines do have a family option, though it might limit when and where you can travel. If your children are fairly young, a family cruise is one of the best options around when you are thinking about how you can maximize the fun for everyone. Even companies that do not advertise family cruises may have one or two that you can investigate. Think about what your family needs and find a cruise line that will accommodate you.

Leave the Ship

Most ships dock in several places during the cruise. Though it might be tempting for you to stay on the cruise ship the entire time, remember that a change of scenery is an important part of experiencing the trip. Plan outings that your children will like, and remember that different children have different needs. You may find that there are some amazing water parks at your destination stops, or other attractions that can make your children’s eyes pop!

Bring Along a Gaming System

Many suites have televisions in them, and when you are invested making sure that your preteen has a good time, consider bringing along your gaming system from home. While there should absolutely be a limit to how many hours a day the child is allowed to play, a gaming system can make a huge difference to how entertained your child is.

Play With Your Children

When you get on a cruise, it can be tempting to simply kick back and relax from boarding to departure. However, you’ll find that a cruise can also be a great opportunity for you to bond with your kids. While you should definitely let them try to be exploratory and independent, you should also think about activities that you can do together. Whether you decide to swim and snorkel together or you simply take in some time on the ship’s pool, you’ll find that a cruise can be a fantastic time to get to know your children in a whole new way.

Let Your Children Explore

If you are the parent of older teens, give them the information that they need to stay safe in whatever place where the ship is docking and let them explore. This can be a little nerve-wracking, but it can make a huge difference to how invested your child gets.

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