
4 2018 SEO Tips That Shouldn’t be Avoided

Although 2018 is nearly over there is still time to ensure that you search engine marketing and SEO is fresh and up-to-date. It is important to ensure that your SEO is up-to-date not only to ensure you are able to gain the most beneficial rankings but also to ensure that you don’t get swamped when best practices change once again in a few months. The good news is, is that today we are going to be offering 2018 SEO tips, and all of the tips that we are going to be offering are in regards to best practices that are here to stay! Keep on reading to ensure that you are taking into consideration these four points…


Is your website on AMP?

AMP is short for accelerated mobile pages – an open source project that was designed to make mobile pages’ load as quickly as possible, thus improving user experience. AMP has been around since 2015 and can no longer be ignored. Google has recognised that more people than ever before are now searching using mobile devices and that people likes pages that load quickly, therefore are making efforts to show users quickly loading websites and pages as much as possible. If your website is not using AMP you are definitely missing a trick.

How quickly do your pages load?

Did you know that approximately 40% of users leave abandon websites and webpages when they take longer than three seconds to load. Thig highlights that page speed really is a big deal. Luckily for all there are multiple ways that page speed can be increased including but definitely not limited to having a fast server response time, optimizing images and enabling browsing caching.

Are you running creative campaigns that are getting shared?

Content is still king when it comes to marketing therefore you must ensure that you company is creating and sharing the greatest possible content. Always search for new ways to deliver traditional content, look to evoke emotions and make the ordinary extraordinary.

Do you optimise for voice search?

SEO Lancashire feel that voice search is probably the latest trend in internet searching, and it is showing no signs of slowing down therefore it now has to be taken seriously by all companies looking to market their websites in the best ways. 20% of searches made on mobile devices are now made using voice search and this figure is anticipated to increase.

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