Handbags are an important part of a female’s life. They can hold everything from her medicines to her makeup products to all the important things in her life.
Whether we are going for a date or a work day to our office, we have a separate handbag and different way of carrying it to each of these places. One cannot imagine carrying a Glam clutch, to office, nor can you imagine yourself carrying a leather handbag on a girl’s night out.
Usually one decidesthe size of their corporate bag based on the necessary items one is required to carry with them to the office on a regular basis. For example one cannot imagine carry a Hot Sea Bags to their office if they want to carry a laptop regularly, similarly, you won’t carry huge leather Tote, if you just keep it empty. We have written this article exclusively for all the corporate ladies, to help them ‘Up’ their handbag fashion game in their office.
Perfect Bags For Your Corporate World
- Leather Satchel
Give your leather laptop bags a rest, and invest in this stylish corporate masterpiece instead. This bag is designed to meet the style requirements of a corporate woman. They are available in all sizes, so even if you want to carry your laptop in it, you can easily fit it next to your other basic necessities. It is available in different colored leather, so you will be making a style statement while maintaining the classiness of your professionalism. You can carry it with its sling or the small handles. Just make sure to steer clear from any loud prints or logos on the bags. Else it might make you look a bit tacky.
- Cross Body Bag
If you are going to a business lunch or a dinner, then this bag will go perfectly with your formal attire. No matter if you opt for ethnic or western wear, this will fit perfectly with both sets of clothing. This gives away a much more casual look, while also maintaining the finesse and class of leather. They usually come in medium size, which will allows you to put all your necessities and documents in your bag easily. This is a functional piece which will allow you stay stylish and give away the professional vibe together.
- Medium Sized Shoulder Bag
Shoulder Bags are one of the most comfortable forms of handbags that allow you to deliver a sporty feel, which perfectly serves your ‘conquer the world’ attitude. Select a rich leather shoulder bag and you will be ready to for work, carry all your basics. Its light weight will also allow you to easily travel with it, which is essential; you have to run down for a couple of meetings.
- The Solid Tote
Every woman needs a Tote; they are like the black holes of Handbags which can literally consume an entire dressing table in itself. However, the size of your bag can only be determined based on your regular needs. You can carry this bag on your elbow, and you will look like you own the place, where ever you go. This bag allows you to carry quite a lot of documents, so it can come in handy during you office meeting or parties.
- The Color Bag
Add a little color and twist in your office by carrying bags of different shades and colors. Just ensure to steer clear from anything too bright or radiant. But you can always experiment with shades like Brown, military green, Olive green, Maroon, Rust, and mustard. Don’t shy away from trying these colors, just carry them around your elbow, and flip your hair when you enter the office and your employees will already be intimated by you. Also, make sure you don’t buy anything with loud big prints, just keep it simple and classy and you will become the most stylish boss ever.
Tips While Buying A Handbag For Corporate Use
- Steer clear from investing your money in loud colors or big prints.
- Always choose solid colors for your handbags, if Black or white are not available.
- Avoid carrying clutches or small slings to your workplace.
- Always go for leather, leather is denoted as a formal fabric, so make sure that all your office handbags are made from leather.
- Ensure that you don’t carry more than one bag to your office, as it can make you look like a lobby boy. You can always go for a bigger bag if you have more stuff to carry to the office.
- Make sure to always color coordinate with your outfit. Or you can just match the color of your bag with your shoes or heels.
- Avoid carrying your bag using the sling, make use of the front flap or the dual elbow handles on your bag as much as possible. This portrays a more matured and formal posture which is appropriate for the corporate world.
Use these tips and become the new fashionista in your office. You can try the different styles of corporate handbags mentioned above in the list, to give your employees a little style inspiration. Make sure to leave a comment and let us know whether these tips helped you build a new found confidence.