
What To Serve At Lunch Meetings For Executives

Holding a lunch meeting with executives, whether they are a part of the company or are the executives of a potential partner or client is a make it or break it situation. These lunch meetings are held because finding the free time where everyone that’s important is available to meet is difficult and challenging. However, when the meeting comes with an executive lunch catering, the company heads are more likely to join.Business Meeting

This means the catering for the meeting should be delicious and unforgettable while at the same time deemed appropriate for the setting. Here is a quick guide to follow so that everyone attending will enjoy a wonderful lunch, even if there is a meeting in progress.

Know The Executives

Before ordering food for an executive lunch catering do some research about the attendees. Call up their assistants and ask about any food restrictions, allergies, and preferences. This way you can be sure that will serve a menu that everyone will appreciate without any risk of an allergic reaction derailing the meeting.

Stay Practical

Offering free food during a lunch meeting an amazing perk, but it should not take the focus away from the real agenda of the day. The executives are asked to gather so that they can discuss important deals and details during everyone’s free time. Serving meals that are too fancy and extravagant will distract people from accomplishing anything.

Avoid serving spicy food at all cost as people will concentrate more on the spice and heat than the presentation being given.

Finger Foods Are Always A Hit

A good tip to keep in mind when planning a menu for the upcoming executive lunch meeting is to choose food items that are easy to eat. Finger sandwiches are filling, easy to eat, and can come in several varieties, making them the most popular choice. Other ideas for finger foods are the cheese and deli platter or any food that can be eaten with the use of a toothpick.

Keep The Mess At A Minimum

No one wants to deal with food that causes a lot of mess during a meeting. Do not choose any food items that come with sauces as the chances of it dripping everywhere and on everyone is very high. Don’t make the meeting a risky event that will leave a stain on anyone’s clothes the entire day.

Speaking of avoiding messy food, do not order foods that are deep fried. Although fries and onion rings sound delicious and easy to eat, greasy hands and fingers are never fun to deal with during and after the meeting.

Keep Track Of Previous Menus

If the executive lunch meetings are a regular occurrence, make sure to keep track of the food. You do not want to end up serving the same menu over and over again because it will look unimpressive. It is okay to recycle the food items while mixing and matching different choices, but never make the mistake of offering the exact same food choices more than twice in a row.

Decision makers also need some pampering and what a great way to treat them with excellent food served by an executive lunch catering company such as Saint Germain Catering. Contact us today. Learn more about the proven methods to impress your higher authorities for promotion, on this website:

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