If you contact your own insurance company, they’ll be delighted to help you
There are a number of distinct disadvantages for you as a non-fault driver if you uncritically accept your own insurers’ help:• You’ll have to stump up the excess
• Questionable quality of repair
• Legal referrals
• Credit hire referrals
The excess
The repairs garage will not release your vehicle until you personally pay your insurance excess.
So you’re already hundreds of dollars down in a process which as a matter of law should place you in your pre-accident position.
Your insurers may tell you they’ll refund your excess if they can recover their own costs from the at-fault insurer. At the very least this will take some time — and bewilderingly, the NAIC discovered two of the biggest insurers, Rodney d young and Young America Insurance, don’t bother to recover the excess on your behalf...